January 1, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge - Week One Prompts

Happy New Year all! I'm so very excited to start the year right and write, write, write! As I am working toward my goal of writing my first children's book, I thought a writing challenge was a great prescription to get me in the habit of writing regularly and to tap into my active imagination. As I looked for the perfect writing challenge the idea for this month's prompts came to me through various photographs. Therefore, January is Picture Prompt month!

Below is a series of photos. I will be using them in the order below, but you can pick and choose if you'd like. There are exactly 30 photographs, allowing you to pick your own photo on the 31st! Write your piece based around the images or storyline that pops into your head when you view it. It doesn't have to include every aspect of the picture, so you will have plenty of freedom this month to write what you feel/see. The pictures are just means of inspiration, but some are so striking and unique that a story is just asking to be written! 

I'll be posting my first piece later tonight. If you'd like to participate, and want other writers/readers to read and experience your writing, link back here using the button below! 

Here are your photo prompts for January 2014:

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