December 31, 2013

30 Day Writing Challenge

I'm excited to be announce my first ever 30 Day Writing Challenge this January! I've compiled a list of 30 writing prompts that will help me as I'm starting my journey to write my first children's book. Even though some may be as simple as to help me get in the habit of writing every day, others will help me tap into my imagination, develop characters, and find my tone of voice.

Each day by 11:59 EST I will post my daily writing prompt; other than this my guidelines are just to write until I can't write anymore. I'm not going to worry about editing, or length, or anything that isn't writing for now. Once I get into a good rhythm of writing regularly I will begin focusing on my *first* manuscript!. These exercises are simply to allow myself the time and motivation to put my thoughts down on paper (literally or figuratively)!

I welcome criticism as long as it is constructive and helpful. I know I'm not a published author (yet), but I'm only acknowledging pieces of advice that will help me toward my goal of being published. I don't have time for negativity and I won't hesitate to delete it from my blog (or life) should it try to infiltrate this process.

Since I was a young child I've had the desire to write. I believe God Himself placed that desire on my heart, and I will use all the talent He has given me to work toward this goal to glorify Him. I've chosen to begin this journey by writing to children because of the great respect I have for them. I spent four years studying and researching child development and how children learn at the University of Kentucky and put those skills to the test in my own classroom for two years. Now I am raising a child of my own, and the desire to write has re-entered my life full-force. To put a simple smile on a child's face through my stories will be reward enough.

Thanks for joining me as I embark on this very special dream of mine. I'll be writing you soon!

A Bright & Beautiful Beginning

Welcome to Kendra Wesley Writes! This is a blog created to collect my stories and prose. I've felt a conviction in my heart to do what I love and to do it now. Since I was a young child I've dreamed of publishing my own stories. While I aspire to fulfill that goal of mine I wanted a place to write freely and without inhibitions. I have quite the journey ahead of me, but with God's help I know my dreams will become reality.

For those of you stumbling upon this blog, a little more about me: I'm 25. I am married to a wonderful guy, Daniel, and we were blessed with our sonshine, Ezekiel, July 2012. I'm a former preschool teacher who's living the stay-at-home-mom life. My favorite color is ruby red. I'm a Wizard of Oz fanatic. I love to dance. I love to read, too - what kind of write doesn't? - and I'll be sharing reviews of my favorite stories and such along the way! I will do anything and everything to make people laugh. Oh, and I have hundreds of stories in my head that I would love to share with you.

Once again, I welcome you into my own little world. It's time to let my overactive imagination take the lead and let the words flow. Thanks for stopping by! I'll be writing you soon!